Flight Control Laws

This course provides pilots with detailed training on the various flight control laws in modern fly-by-wire aircraft, including Normal Law, Alternate Law, Direct Law, and Mechanical Backup.

Flight Control Laws

Pilots will learn how these laws govern aircraft handling and system protections, and how the aircraft transitions between them in response to failures or abnormal conditions. The course emphasizes understanding how the flight control laws affect pitch, roll, yaw, and speed protections, as well as how to manage the aircraft effectively in degraded modes. Ideal for pilots seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in handling the aircraft under different control law regimes.
What is the primary indication that airspeed readings might be unreliable?
What should be the immediate pilot action upon suspecting unreliable airspeed?
Which of the following is a common cause of unreliable airspeed indications?
Which control input should pilots use to manage the aircraft in an unreliable airspeed scenario?
In an unreliable airspeed situation, how should the autopilot be managed?
A) Rely solely on the GPS ground speed
A) It stabilizes cabin pressure
A) Altimeter
A) Potential aircraft over-speed
A) Maintain the current course and altitude indefinitely