Normal Law Protections

This course provides pilots with comprehensive training on the Normal Law protections in fly-by-wire aircraft, ensuring safe and efficient aircraft control.

Normal Law Protections

Pilots will learn how the system automatically protects against over-speed, stall, and excessive bank angles, while maintaining optimal performance. The course explains the principles of load factor limitation, pitch attitude protection, bank angle protection, and high/low-speed stability. Ideal for pilots seeking to enhance their understanding and confidence in utilizing Normal Law protections during various flight phases, ensuring both safety and efficiency in flight operations.
What is the primary indication that airspeed readings might be unreliable?
What should be the immediate pilot action upon suspecting unreliable airspeed?
Which of the following is a common cause of unreliable airspeed indications?
Which control input should pilots use to manage the aircraft in an unreliable airspeed scenario?
In an unreliable airspeed situation, how should the autopilot be managed?
A) Rely solely on the GPS ground speed
A) It stabilizes cabin pressure
A) Altimeter
A) Potential aircraft over-speed
A) Maintain the current course and altitude indefinitely